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Mobile App Development

touch virtual screen computer interface mobile app development

The future is mobile, do you have a plan? You can start today.

We create custom mobile apps for iOS and Android. Don’t settle for just a mobile website. Studies have shown that having a mobile app for your business provides better customer interaction and retention.

We create custom apps, not app skins that read in a news feed from your website. We will work with you to develop an original and useful app. Projects range in size so don’t hesitate to contact us to see what we can do for you.

iPhone and iPad Apps

This is probably the most lucrative area of mobile app development. The iTunes App Store pays out over a billion dollars a month to developers. An iPhone app can be simply a business concept you have, an extension of your online web presence, or an original software concept. Stablebrook Software would like to work with you to make your mobile app development a reality.

Android Apps

If you are developing apps for iPhone and iPad you need to consider that Android accounts for over 50% of the smartphone market. We can customize an android app for you existing iPhone app, or help you create a new one.

The Mobile Market

Here are some current stats on the mobile marketplace:

  • There will be 1.82 billion smartphones in 2013
  • 3.5 million apps are available in the Android and iPhone stores
  • On average each smartphone users runs 41 apps
  • 70 minutes a day spent browsing the internet
  • 127 minutes a day spent using apps  (177 minutes a day is spent watching TV)
  • People check their phones on average 150 times a day that’s every 6.5 minutes
  • Mobile app downloads will increase to over 89 billion downloads in 2015.

If you haven’t already now is the time to develop a mobile app development strategy for your business.

Call (863) 617-9444 to set up a consultation